

Email: The Editor


With Shards of Glass
   Impaled across
My bloodied, broken, battered feet
   As those within
   My Shattered Heart
No pain bringeth upon defeat.
   With clothes atorn
   I stride afleet,
Upon thy brow to adorn
My hope, my fear, my living soul.

French flower of the fleur-de-lis
   As winds across
   The sands of time
Thy hourglass doth sway,
   For had Prince Paris
   Of Homer`s rhyme
Beheld Queen Helen`s after thine,
There`d ne`er been a war with Greece,
   The dunes of Troy
   To sleep in Peace.

Braids of sunlight
   Thy visage cross
Crowned in Glory, thy Golden Fleece,
A step ahead on Darwin`s stair.
Upto this pinacle of desire
   I would gladly crawl
Ten thousand miles and many more
With Shards of Glass
   Impaled across
My bloodied, broken, battered feet.

By Robert L Thompsett